RI Shellfish Initiative



Upcoming Tour of Jamestown Aquaculture Farm

A walking tour of the Jamestown Aquaculture Farm

Have you ever wondered just exactly where your seafood comes from? Yes? Then, join us on July 31st for a tour of Jamestown Aquaculture Farm! From 12-3, we’ll be walking, hiking and wading around the entire farm, seeing firsthand where our seafood originates from. The Hiking Tour of Jamestown Aquaculture Farm is a part of the Rhode Island Shellfish Initiative, a current CRC project. Shellfish aquaculture is an important part of Rhode Island’s Blue Economy with over eighty aquaculture farms statewide. CRC is very excited to host aquaculture farm tours.  This tour is free to the public and will give participants a chance to see where shellfish is grown and to talk to the farmers… A unique opportunity!  Sign up for the tour TODAY!
