Rhode Island Sea Grant Community Development Program

(Date Ended: 2012-02-28)

In September 2000, the Director of the National Sea Grant Office outlined a new Sea Grant program element, which focused on the critical importance of community planning and growth management in coastal areas. The Coastal Communities and Economies Theme Team (CCE) was given responsibility to develop broad guidelines for the Sea Grant Coastal Community Development Program (CCD) and to provide strategic oversight of the program nationally. The goal of the CCD Program’s investment is to realize a significant step-up in Sea Grant’s engagement at the coastal community decision-making level by providing the enhanced science-based support needed to balance environmental, social, and economic consideration. Sea Grant extension programs builds additional capacity and establishes new partnerships with other public and private organizations and agencies concerned about “smart growth” and “sustainable development.” Since 2001, Virginia Lee has been designated the Rhode Island Sea Grant Coastal Development Specialist, with responsibility to implement statewide programming and to participate as the Rhode Island Sea Grant contact regionally and nationally in this program. The two main objectives of the project are: Objective 1: Manage growth for a sustainable future, and Objective 2: Contribute to sustainable recreational boating as a key component of our coastal economy.