Helping the National Park Service Assess Vulnerability of Northeast Region Parks to Flooding and Erosion

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  • Designing and scoping climate change vulnerability assessments for coastal national parks in the northeast region: Guidance and lessons learned Ricci, G., D. Robadue, Jr., and A. L. Babson 1 April 2017

    To plan for climate change adaptation, park resource managers need scientific information identifying the susceptibility of resources to climate change, when impacts are expected and how they are expected to interact with existing stressors. Climate change vulnerability assessments are a priority for many parks to support adaptation planning, but there is a need for park specific guidance on scoping, implementing and using vulnerability assessments. Several frameworks and resources are available focusing on coastal communities and on natural resources. This document summarizes some of these and draws lessons from assessments already completed or underway in parks in the Northeast. The National Park Service (NPS) has initiated a range of climate change research and monitoring actions that address park vulnerability assessment needs. This guide provides additional materials to assist coastal parks in the Northeast Region (NER) to move forward with their vulnerability assessments and describes how to apply results to management. While the frameworks and examples that are the focus of this guide were primarily developed for natural resources, cultural resources and facilities examples are provided as available. This guide represents the combined experience and guidance from NER coastal park resource managers in hopes that others in the region will be aware of the numerous activities happening and lessons learned in the region.

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