Hεn MPOANO: Western Ghana Integrated Coastal and Fisheries Governance

ICFG: Improving Governance in the Cape Three Point Focal Area

The central aim of this activity is to explore and test ways to strengthen the governance at the District and coastal community level in the Cape Three Point Focal Area. The Cape Three Points focal area incorporates the Districts of Nzema East and Ahanta west with the centerpiece of work a “green belt” strategy that serves to maintain critical ecosystem functions and services as well as developing model local plans for a highly vulnerable coastal community, including the Cape Three Points forest, wetlands and coastal settlements.

The district assemblies receive help in  preparing elements of future Mid-Term Development Plans that address vulnerability issues in coastal communities and managing development pressures so as to maintain ecosystem functions and services and ensure the tourism potential and biodiversity rich areas of the coastal zone. Capacity building for community management associations (CREMAs) aims at using existing laws to achieve conservation and community development goals. Work in the fish landing sites of Akwidaa and Dix Cove support the aspirations of those involved in the entire fishing value chain, especially women .The approach engages stakeholders and brings policy through a cycle that proceeds from issue identification, to analysis and plan formulation, culminates in formal adoption and proceeds on to implementation and review.