Ecuador Coastal Resources Management Program

Technical Assistance to Implement Components #1 and #2 of IDB Loan Operation 913, the Ecuador PMRC

The Coastal Resources Center (CRC) provided three years of technical assistance to the Ecuador Coastal Resources Management Program (PMRC) to implement the Program’s two key components:

  1. Special Area Management Zones (ZEMS), and
  2. Training, research, evaluation and education.

Over the life of its contract with this program, CRC carried out a total of eighteen tasks in support of these components. These included but were not limited to:

  • preparation of annual program work plans and related progress reviews and monitoring
  • assessment of elements of the management information system
  • evaluation of local user agreements as a tool for coastal management
  • studies and proposals for shoreline, mangrove, water quality and mariculture issues
  • updating coastal law enforcement manual
  • estuary management strategy in the Rio Chone
  • support for in-country training capacity building with a focus on extension, as well as specific technical issues including shore management and aquaculture.