Hεn MPOANO: Western Ghana Integrated Coastal and Fisheries Governance

ICFG: A Coastal and Marine Governance Program for the Western Region

The primary objective of the Hεn MPOANO Initiative is to put forward a proposal to create a nested system of governance in the Western Region to serve as a model for a future national program that recognizes the interconnections between the governance of the coast and the governance of fisheries. Such an integrating approach is essential for a fishery that is the primary source of livelihood in many coastal communities and is conducted by a fleet of sea-going canoes that operate from scores of landing beaches along the Western Region shore. The ICFG strategy is to assemble the enabling conditions for a long-term program by engaging in activities that build capacity and a constituency for a fresh approach to coastal and fisheries governance. These activities apply a “learning-by-doing” approach that follows the steps of the governance cycle in three focal areas in the coastal districts (Shama, Cape Three Points, and the Amanzule Wetlands). This activity focuses on the coastal dimension of the evolving program.